Online Student Registration

Initial Registration Information

There are eight screens that you will be asked to complete. After you complete this (first) screen, you will be given a "Registration Code" that can be used to finish your child's registration should you need to leave and return at a later time. We'll email that code to you as well, just in case!

Fields in yellow are required in order to Save & Continue.

The Public Preschool program is provided by existing Preschool facilities in the area.
Please select your preferred school choice from the list of approved providers below.
Are you considered low income (based on the federal standards; click here - eligible if below 130%)
or do you receive SNAP benefits? Proof may be requested by the Preschool.


Student Demographics

Fields in yellow are required in order to Save & Continue.



Parent Information

Fields in yellow are required in order to Save & Continue.

Parent 1 Information

Parent 2 Information

Emergency Contact Information

Fields in yellow are required in order to Save & Continue.

Emergency Contact 1

Emergency Contact 2

Emergency Contact 3

Previous School Information

Previous School 1

Previous School 2

Previous School Accommodations

Has your child been serviced by any of the following? If yes to anything below, please provide any documentation to school when bringing other documentation, like7 health forms and proof of residency.

Home Language Survey

Fields in yellow are required in order to Save & Continue.

Leave blank if the child was born in the United States Leave blank if the child was born in the United States

Parent 1 Language

Parent 2 Language


Fields in yellow are required in order to Save & Continue.

Months Months

My electronic signature below affirms the following: (1) the information I have provided on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge or belief; (2) the same information, as well as other information that may identify my child(ren), may be shared by my signature below as consent with community and governmental agencies pursuant to an inter-agency collaboration between this school district and (3) the same information, as well as other information that may identify my child(ren), may be shared by my signature below as consent for a legitimate educational purpose. In addition, my signature affirms that I have received a copy of my rights under the McKinney-Vento law.

Medical and Health History Information

Registration Submission Confirmation

You are about to submit your registration to Hopatcong Borough Schools. If you would like to review your information, please use the Back and Continue buttons at the bottom of the screens. Once you submit this application, you will not be able to come back and edit it, but you may come back and review the information.

In addition, please remember that your registration is incomplete until the following documents are brought to the school's main office for review:

  • Student Physical History Form - Download Here
    Your child's doctor must complete this form, or they may provide you with alternative documentation to provide.
  • Proof of Immunization
    Bring your child's immunization records. A copy will be made for the School Nurse to keep on file.
  • Two Proofs of Residency
    Please bring two forms of Proof of Residency, such as a utility bill, mortgage statement, or driver's license. In addition, if you have a mailing address that is not a Hopatcong mailing address, please bring a Hopatcong tax bill.
  • Original Birth Certificate
    We will make a copy and return it to you, but we must see an Original Birth Certificate with the raised seal.
  • School Transfer Card if Transferring from Another School
    This will provide important information needed by the main office staff to complete your child's enrollment.
  • Most Recent Report Card or Transcript if applicable
    Please bring a copy of their most recent Report Card, Standards Based Report Card, or Course Transcript.
  • Accommodations Documentation if applicable
    If they are currently enrolled in Special Education, 504, Academic Skills, RTI, I&RS, or any other support based services, please bring a copy of their IEP and/or any documentation so we may provide your child with the support they need.

Registration Complete!

Thank you for submitting your child's registration online. Your registration has been marked complete. Please keep the following information handy, as you may be asked for it by the main office of your child's school.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to your child's school.


Don't Forget!

Your registration is incomplete until the following documents are brought to the school's main office for review:

  • Student Physical History Form - Download Here
    Your child's doctor must complete this form, or they may provide you with alternative documentation to provide.
  • Proof of Immunization
    Bring your child's immunization records. A copy will be made for the School Nurse to keep on file.
  • Two Proofs of Residency
    Please bring two forms of Proof of Residency, such as a utility bill, mortgage statement, or driver's license. In addition, if you have a mailing address that is not a Hopatcong mailing address, please bring a Hopatcong tax bill.
  • Original Birth Certificate
    We will make a copy and return it to you, but we must see an Original Birth Certificate with the raised seal.
  • School Transfer Card if Transferring from Another School
    This will provide important information needed by the main office staff to complete your child's enrollment.
  • Most Recent Report Card or Transcript if applicable
    Please bring a copy of their most recent Report Card, Standards Based Report Card, or Course Transcript.
  • Accommodations Documentation if applicable
    If they are currently enrolled in Special Education, 504, Academic Skills, RTI, I&RS, or any other support based services, please bring a copy of their IEP and/or any documentation so we may provide your child with the support they need.
